
Each fall our parents' clan sponsors a program to motivate student readers. Ordinarily, they give out prizes to top readers, but this yr they want me as chief to do something "fun" if kids read a sure number of books. Their idea of "fun" is that I would buss a pig or slumber overnight on the roof of the school or dress like a craven for the day.

This volition be only my second yr as chief, and I've worked hard to constitute some credibility. I've read about principals who have done things like this, but it feels unprofessional and embarrassing. . Ideas?


Some principals honey this sort of affair and will happily practice whatever information technology takes if they think it encourages kids to read. I actually knew a principal who kissed a pig and some other 1 who ate fried worms when kids hit their reading target. A middle school principal I knew dressed up similar the True cat in the Lid and roller-skated around the gym. Their corresponding schools had a big associates and everyone thought information technology was a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, I'm not that kind of master.

I encourage kids to read. I read aloud to various classes. I take part in handing out certificates and prizes.  Just I do all those things wearing my usual professional attire.

Other options

As you probably know, there are no studies that evidence that there are whatsoever long-term positive effects on reading from principals sleeping on the roof of the school or eating worms. Much more effective are programs designed to help struggling readers, small classes at the main level, and funding to provide high interest, diverse reading materials for students.

And then if y'all're not comfortable with your parents' clan'south suggestions, tell them you'll have to laissez passer. But offering something else that you would like to do to motivate student readers. Take the top three readers to luncheon.  Read a volume to a classroom of kids. Hand out complimentary water ice cream tickets for the near improved readers.

I think your concerns most being taken seriously as the building leader are justified, and I'one thousand pretty sure that dressing like a chicken volition not enhance your reputation in that regard.  The principal who kissed a grunter, for example, was known equally a solid administrator before she did that.  Afterward, she was known as "the master who kissed the pig." It's something to think about.

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