What Happened to Sebastian Cabot's Hand in Season 1 of Family Affair

Whew! After a stressful week, information technology's a relief to turn my attention to the Davis family and my weekly Family Affair series. I hope it provides a pleasant distraction for you, likewise.

Episode eighteen, "One for the Little Boy" i/23/1967

Written by: Austin and Irma Kalish. Directed by: William D. Russell.


A lot of unusual things happen in this episode:

  • Buffy and Cissy wear slacks.
  • We see stock footage of a baseball game.
  • A doorman who's not Scotty appears.
  • Someone pronounces "Terre Haute" correctly.

The nigh notable result in this episode, though, comes at the very commencement. Mr. French receives a summons from her Majesty to serve the majestic family during a tour of Commonwealth capitals. (If he's that connected, why is working for an engineer in New York, anyhow?)

back from terre haute

The Davis family unit returns from a trip to Terre Haute to find him gone.

They don't have to worry long about how they'll survive with him—some other Mr. French soon shows up to take his place. (In real life, Sebastian Cabot was ill.)

the other french

You'd think that a French swap might crusade enough comic loftier jinx to sustain an episode. This episode'due south plot, however, doesn't really have anything to practise with the arrival of Giles French's brother Nigel.

Instead, this episode revolves around Jody. Spending well-nigh of his fourth dimension with Cissy and Buffy has left him looking for some male bonding. And let'southward face it, neither Mr. French is helpful when you want to play grab.

Ted Gaynor helps Neb realize that Jody needs some begetter-son time.

" data-medium-file="https://embarrassingtreasures.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/ted-gaynor.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="https://embarrassingtreasures.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/ted-gaynor.jpg?w=474" class="size-medium wp-image-1905" alt="Ted explains that he was raised in an all-female household--or "petticoat jail," as he puts it. I always sensed that Ted had issues with women, and now I see where it started." src="https://embarrassingtreasures.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/ted-gaynor.jpg?w=300&h=200" width="300" height="200" srcset="https://embarrassingtreasures.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/ted-gaynor.jpg?w=300&h=200 300w, https://embarrassingtreasures.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/ted-gaynor.jpg?w=600&h=400 600w, https://embarrassingtreasures.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/ted-gaynor.jpg?w=150&h=100 150w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px">

Ted explains that he was raised in an all-female household–or "petticoat jail," as he puts it. I ever sensed that Ted had issues with women, and now I meet where it started.

Nib invites Jody to join him and Ted at a baseball game game. Jody is thrilled to go, only the adults effectually him block his view of the action. Eventually, he falls asleep, missing Uncle Bill's foul-ball grab.

Baseball has the same effect on me.

Baseball has the same outcome on me.

Next, Bill plans a weekend angling trip with Jody, simply work threatens to interfere. When he hears that Buffy and Cissy are both inviting friends over on Saturday, Uncle Bill takes pity on Jody. He brings the male child forth on his business trip to Rochester (Rock-chester, according to Jody) and plans to take him line-fishing when his piece of work'south done.

I wonder where Uncle Bill found this nice matronly woman to watch Jody in Rochestr.

I wonder how Uncle Beak found this nice matronly woman to watch Jody in Rochester…and how he institute a hotel with walls painted Family Matter dark-green.

Everything on the trip goes wrong—Pecker'due south piece of work drags on, the camper he'southward rented for the fishing trip breaks down, and then they acquire the lake where they're headed has dried up.

bait lady

They acquire virtually the lake from this bait store owner, who certain is a deviation from most of the women we encounter on Family unit Affair.

Jody keeps saying he doesn't mind, simply Uncle Neb thinks he'south just too polite to confess his disappointment. Finally, Jody explains that just spending fourth dimension with Uncle Nib made the trip enjoyable for him.

Awww. Cue th

Awww. Cue the Violins of Emotional Resonance.


An Uncle Bill-and-Jody episode always warms the heart. Although Jody-centered, this episode has fun Buffy moments.

In this scene

In this scene, she struggles to push button the back of her dress, then gives up and puts the dress on backwards.

She too exhibits realistic annoyance at Jody's temporary monopoly on Uncle Nib.


And apparently she has friends. Who knew?

Overall, this script abounds in cute lines. (For case, when Uncle Bill asks Jody how he can consume cereal without milk, Jody replies that you but have to chew harder.)

Guest Cast

Mr. Nigel French: John Williams. Ted Gaynor: John Hubbard. Proprietress: Katey Barrett. Doorman: David Brandon.

john williams credit

John Williams isn't exactly a fellow member of the guest cast. During his nine-episode tenure on the show, he takes over Sebastian Cabot's spot in the credits (Which seems a little odd, really.) Williams is an impressive fill-in. He had a long and distinguished career that was closely associated with managing director Alfred Hitchcock. His most memorable role was Inspector Hubbard in Punch M for Murder. (He had won a Tony for playing the same role on Broadway.) He besides appeared in To Catch a Thief and in several episodes of TV's Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

Brandon would appear in several more Family Affair episodes.

Continuity Notes

Terre Haute, of class. Scotty is mentioned, though not seen. The presence of another doorman is explained–he's the dark guy.

Notable Quotes: "Basically, I'chiliad a cricket human being." Nigel French. "That's okay, I like caterpillars." Jody

"Sisters are ever doing sister stuff." Jody

Bonus Feature

Boob tube Guide, April 22, 1967

This commodity includes a scrap virtually the health issues that led to Sebastian Cabot's 9-episode hiatus from the series.


Source: https://embarrassingtreasures.com/2013/01/11/family-affair-friday-season-1-episode-18-one-for-the-little-boy-1231967/

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